Foods That Adults Have Hated Since Childhood

Foods That Adults Have Hated Since Childhood

“I’m a pro cook. I know how to make this ingredient taste great for other people, but I just don’t like it.”

Tastes change, and often as we get older we start to enjoy things that we hated during childhood (for example, coffee or green veggies). But sometimes, food aversions can’t simply be grown out of. So Redditor u/ohwowwhatfun asked, “Which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult?”


“Rhubarb. I’ve come around to like a lot of ingredients I once disliked as a child, but I still don’t trust rhubarb. That stuff does not belong in desserts.”

Carlina Teteris / Getty Images


“Eggplant. I’m sorry but this vegetable has the texture of a dirty sponge.”

Andrei Kravtsov / Getty Images/iStockphoto


“Cottage cheese. It looks and tastes as if someone chewed up cheese and then spit it out… and now I’m supposed to eat it?!?”


“Blue cheese. I almost threw up from the smell of it alone when I was younger. I more recently tried it in a hamburger, but I immediately lost my appetite with the first bite.”

Juanmonino / Getty Images


“Mushrooms. I’m fascinated by them, but I won’t eat them…unless they’re magic. I’m a pro cook and I’ve prepared mushrooms a thousand different ways. I know how to make them taste great for other people, but my taste buds simply don’t like them.”


“Canned tuna fish. It’s basically the socially acceptable way for humans to eat cat food.”

Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images


“Olives. I don’t understand how people can actually enjoy the taste. They immediately overpower anything else you try to eat them with.”

Jacky Parker Photography / Getty Images


“Liver. People have always told me that the reason I don’t like liver is because I haven’t yet tried one that was made correctly. So once I went to a fancy restaurant run by a famous chef and ordered a dish with liver just to find out if this claims was true. Turns out, nope…I just don’t like liver.”

Jirkaejc / Getty Images/iStockphoto


“Endives. Whether they’re served raw in a salad or baked and loaded with cheese, it’s all an abomination to food, IMO.”

Claudia Totir / Getty Images


“Lima beans. They still taste like pasty little pellets of chalk to me. No, Mom. I’m not eating them!!”

Enrique Díaz / Getty Images


“I can’t stand raw celery. I hate the taste and the smell, which I can sense in the back of my throat and in my nose. The stringy texture doesn’t help either. Cooked in soups or stews I can tolerate it, but raw celery makes me feel ill.”

The_burtons / Getty Images


“Beets. I was unprepared for how the beets you eat eventually leave your body. Truly, I thought I was dying.”

Winslow Productions / Getty Images/Tetra images RF


“Black Licorice. I don’t know how anyone under the age of 80 can enjoy this hellspawn poison.”


“Oatmeal. Growing up, my parents (and pretty much every adult I knew) loved oatmeal so I always figured it was just one of those foods I would grow to like as I got older. At the ripe age of almost 30, I can say with certainty: oatmeal is still mushy, bland, and gross.”

Eleonor2439 / Getty Images/iStockphoto


“Avocado. I know this is a hugely unpopular food opinion, but I hate avocado. I don’t even necessarily think it’s gross, it just tastes like dirt to me and has a weird texture. I like guacamole, because it’s well seasoned and you can taste the other flavors like cilantro, lime, salt, pepper, and things I love. I’ve always been baffled by the avocado craze that has taken over the USA in the last decade: Avocado on burgers, avocado toast, avocado ice cream. I don’t get it. I don’t like the taste of it and don’t understand why it belongs on top of everything.”

Photograph By Dorisj / Getty Images


“Raw pepper. I love pretty much every single other vegetable, but raw pepper has always been my downfall. I’m not a huge fan of cooked pepper either, but I can tolerate them in dishes like fajitas or on pizza. But ever since childhood and now in adulthood, raw peppers still immediately ruin a perfectly good dish for me.”

Anshu Ajitsaria / Getty Images


“Tomatoes. I hate raw tomatoes. I eat salsa, ketchup, and tomato sauce, but I can’t do tomatoes. I know, it’s baffling to me as well.”

Robert Kneschke / Getty Images/EyeEm


“Water chestnuts. They’re nasty, crunchy, soggy bites that taste like nothing but ruin whatever dish they’re in. I don’t know how people like them.”

Martinrlee / Getty Images/iStockphoto


“Brussels sprouts. I am 54 years old, and I’ve tried Brussels sprouts cooked a dozen different ways. Nothing will ever cover up that bitter taste enough to make me like them. Growing up, my mom wouldn’t let me leave the dinner table until I finished them. I would protest and sit there for hours until she left the kitchen and I could sneak them into the trash.”

Stephanie Leong / Getty Images/EyeEm


“The fatty part of any meat, like on the edges of a steak. I can’t do the chewy texture, and even when it’s cooked until crispy I can’t stand the gamey taste.”

Edgar Cervantes / Getty Images


“Raisins. They’re these wrinkly, tiny, creepy things. There’s no worse feeling than accidentally eating an oatmeal raisin cookie thinking it’s a chocolate chip cookie.”

Paul Velgos / Getty Images


“Onions. When I was little I loved onion rings… just not the onions inside the breading. I’d pull out the onions and eat only the crispy exterior. My parents would get upset with me, but what can I say? I didn’t like onions then and still don’t like them now.”


“Pickles. Weirdly enough, I like almost anything besides for cucumbers in pickled form….just not pickles themselves.”

Denise Taylor / Getty Images


“Capers. What kind of person tried this foul tasting thing and thought it was a good idea to add to food?”

Claudia Totir / Getty Images


“Marshmallows. I’ve always hated them and I think I always will. There is no grosser junk food than Peeps. And I want so badly to like s’mores, but those dang marshmallows just ruin it for me.”

Gemma Escribano / Getty Images/EyeEm


“Cantaloupe and honeydew. I try both of these kinds of melon every few years in the hopes that I might finally enjoy them, but they’re always still gross.”

Matthias Heitmann / Getty Images


“Black beans. I can sometimes get behind some other kinds of beans, like white bean soup or baked beans during the summertime with barbecue. But for the life of me, I can’t bring myself to like black beans. They don’t even have a strong flavor, I just can’t stand them.”

Sergio Amiti / Getty Images


“Mayonnaise. I really cant stand it. I would say my disgust for mayonnaise borders on a real phobia of the stuff.”

Little Hand Images / Getty Images


“Asparagus. It tastes like hot garbage to me. Grilled, steamed or boiled, it’s all terrible. It has this odd, woody taste to it and the texture just doesn’t sit right with me.”

Stockninja / Getty Images

What’s a food you’ve hated ever since childhood that you still don’t enjoy as an adult? Or is there a food you’ve actually grown up to like? Tell us in the comments!